Category Archives: Text entries

No post for maybe 2 days

Because its the weekend!

Your dear friend here will be spending the weekend nursing his forehead wound and writing pages of the book! 🙂image0315image0316Here are photos of my planner, my notebook (where I write my draft script) and my breakfast. My brain’s all messed up and disarranged that’s why I stick on little post it notes on the draft pages to remind me of revisions or story ideas that just pop out of my head. If you look closer you might have a gist of what’s coming.

Thanks for reading and your support!

Abevrticemench: Ambitions

Ben will not recieve blessing in his funeral, he knows this, and is thinking about it while stands on the rooftop of The Prize Building- his final project. But everything is planned and everything he has ever done with his life is scripted to lead to the moment of his dream’s achievement. Knowing that the achievement of you dream will strip you off your funeral blessing, are you willing to sacrifice?

November 3, folks. 🙂

In Pre- production: Permanence

I love making commitments so that I will be forced to do something. So here I am, making another one to you my dear readers. (that felt awkward, hehe)

I am working on another comic series, also 12 pages long, entitled “Permanence”. It’s in the pre- production process already. The concept is now solid and the script is currently in production already. Yes, Permanence is the sequel of Supernova so you guys will see what the hell happened to the two after their uhm… “thing”.

I will post updates on this project so I hope you guys stay (tuned) to my site. Get those markers and shoes ready.


Thank you to those who read and enjoyed Supernova and to those who commented publicly or messaged me personally. Your slave appreciated it. Rest assured that a new story will follow. I am working on it at this moment. Thank You!


Wow the views just shot up like mentos in a liter of Diet Coke. I am really glad you guys are enjoying the strips. Were down to the last 3 pages!


Today’s Trash # 7 entitled Circles will be featured this September in Bounce Magazine. I believe that you will all grab and purchase a copy of this magazine. Please pray to your respective gods that it becomes regular. :p

Nearly done.

I’m down to the last 4 pages of Supernova.

“It’s only 12 pages for Christ’s sake! Why is it taking too long?”

I know you won’t ask that question, but to answer that if ever you are thinking of asking it, it is taking too long because the day job life eats up my time. It will be out this week I promise you people. Just keep on visiting and pretty soon Supernova will be up!

P.S. It’s taking long because I want this to be a great 1st toddler and I’m not the kind who publishes bull (knowingly, at the least) 🙂

Supernova (“cover”)

Hi guys! Although I really wanted to keep the stuff secret until I finshed it, I think I have to show you guys this! More stuff to follow!

What’s Happening to Trash?

Sorry guys for the lack of updates lately. You dear author is currently busy with the new collection. Here are some preliminary details so that you guys know that I am not slacking off!

The collection now has a title!


Supernova is about a “different” couple, finding (or creating?) meaning in chaos, and about a death of a star. Supernova will be Trash’s first toddler, spanning a short 12 pages, with the same (or maybe a step better) creative style you love to hate and the same melancholic air you always remember to try to forget.

Supernova will hopefully be finished this week so keep your pants up (wtf?)!

Hi! Welcome to Today’s Trash

Hi! I opened up this account to force myself to be creative once again. I’ve been in a drawing hiatus for several months after exhaustaing myself with a comic strip series that is still unreleased (because of the rather complicated storyline and style). This weblog will contain very short stories in sequential art form that hopefully, you guys will enjoy (and think of).

Add me up in your blogroll! 🙂

